Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This I Believe is My Dream Job

This I Believe is My Dream Job 
September 19, 2012
By Emily Canterna

I believe that tall is beautiful: not necessarily the literal height of a person, but the posture that comes from a confidence from within.
Much of my life has been spent believing that my above-average height is a major disadvantage. No matter how much I insisted on despising this feature of mine, my mom never failed to remind me that “tall is beautiful.” Her comforting words made me think: society tells us that it’s natural to dislike something about ourselves, but I believe that it should be natural to embrace what’s natural. What was natural about me was my height. My qualities make me different, make me marketable, make me proud. They allow me to contribute to the world what someone else cannot. 
It took me many years to finally accept that my height was something I could not change. After all, why did it have to be such a bad thing? People notice me and they remember me.
Most recently, college has been a place for me to accept who I am on my own. My mom no longer needs to remind me that my individuality is special; I am reminded of that daily as I strive towards the goals that I have set for myself. I choose to stand tall and refuse to slouch. Each step I take with shoulders proudly pressed back is one step closer to the dream that I will achieve.
Standing tall is about knowing my best qualities and using them without hesitation. It’s about running after my goals with the confidence that they can be achieved. Feeling tall means that nothing can stop me from choosing what I want to make of myself.  I believe in pursuing my dream job.   
My dream job is to be a broadcast journalist for the television network E! News. In front of a camera, there will not be much from which I can hide. But I no longer want to disguise my height, because it makes me beautiful. It has been the blessing that has forced me to stand proud and upright and never hide. My confidence, perseverance, and acceptance of the qualities that set me apart are the driving forces toward my pursuit of this dream job. 
Being tall is not just another obstacle in my way of reaching my dream; it is quite the opposite. Beyond the significance of my physical height, the ability to think tall has allowed me to reach beyond what I ever dreamed capable. As for the pursuit of my dream job, my height just means I won’t have to reach as far.




  1. This blog post really inspired me! I am tall too and I think it is important for girls to be proud of their different features and not feel insecure about them!!

  2. You are beautiful, Emily! This post showcases the rock star attitude that you always possess! I wish you the best of luck as you achieve all of your dreams and goals! Thank you for the inspiring thoughts - you're an inspiration.

  3. I see no one better as the face of E! You are wonderful.

  4. Emily, you are absolutely beautiful the way you are. I always hated being tall too, but you realize when you get older, it's not bad at's beautiful. You will doing amazing things, Emily!

  5. This is an amazing perspective that all tall girls, and girls in general, should embrace. I love how you talked about accepting and loving what is "natural." You are beautiful, and I know you have inspired so many with this!

  6. You are an amazing young woman who has a mature and open way of looking at the woorld and beauty that is so far above( no pun intended) the way society sees it. Thank you so much for sharing your powerful words with us. Please continue to fight ferociously for your dreams.

  7. It's so wonderful to share your story and how you struggled with accepting your personal endeavor with yourself. It truly does make you marketable and relatable to so many others who struggle with their own "imperfections" in their eyes. You are totally perfect for this job! Keep you chin up and keep doing YOU! Love you!


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